There are lives you can save. Maya Kobayashi talks about blood donation
Her younger sister, Mao※ who had been suffering from cancer and fighting against the disease, received a blood transfusion this April.
Thanks to the presence of blood donors, she could manage to keep body and soul together.
Without any blood donors, I cannot imagine how she could survive.
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the blood donors as a member of the family of a blood recipient.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
My sister had cancer and subsequently I also missed work owing to a medical problem. This has made me realize the importance of "not taking life for granted" and that we should treasure life in the truest sense.
I have also realized that cherishing my life makes people around me happy.I have come to understand the importance of life and the greatness of blood transfusion from the bottom of my heart.
Noto: This comment was given at an event, "LOVE in Action Meeting (LIVE)" which was held on June 6th, prior to the sad news.
We pray sincerely for the repose of Mao Kobayashi's soul.
※ Mao Kobayashi, wife of a famous Kabuki actor Ishikawa Ebizo XI, who died of cancer on 22nd June.
Newsletter, July 2017 by JRCS